A beautiful picture of our court house in our little town, standing in front are two of our precious daughters. Tonight I want to ask Jesus what is in His heart as I want to be connected to His vision for my life. It's amazing, one year we gathered as a family, took a few moments of quiet meditation and asked God to speak to us the things on His heart. The children came up with words that reaffirmed each other; it was like we were all hearing the same voice, going the same direction. Some got pictures, some got words -- either way they heard. Why did this amaze me? Oh me, of little faith. I tend to have an unrealistic view that I don't measure up very well and how would a God of the universe want to be spending any time on an imperfect family? It's then I realized it's not about me or my imperfect family -- what I do or not do -- it's all about Love. My heart Loves him and He Loves that. Love takes me to His heart and gives me hope,it makes me Happy. I am frail and needy of Him. I long for Him. My life is fully complete in Him.
"Lord, speak to me and my friends this New Year's Eve. Give us eyes and hearts to see the things that you see and to feel your heart in the midst of it. May we live on earth as it is in heaven. May we realize we are not our own but bought with a price, a debt we can never repay. I lay my life down for you my King, you're my everthing."
His maiden in wait, Cindy